Monthly Wellness Growth Mastermind πŸ’ͺ🌱


The Wellness Growth Mastermind is an invite only community of 150+ good people who are Founders, Growth and growth people at wellness brands like Levels, 8 Sleep, Tough Mudder, Othership, Lifeforce, Immi Ramen and more.

Once you’re in, you can ask Brian for an intro to anyone in the group :)

WGM Rolodex (last updated 9/23)



Monthly 1 hr zoom meetings every month on a Wednesday at 5pm EST. Come when you can!


It is for good people who care about growing all boats in the wellness space.

Generosity and kindness in this industry is what we need to move forward.

WGM Chats

Thanksgiving Giveaway

2022 EOY Reflections